Losing my period. – blogilates

by YouTube Team

If you’ve ever lost your period or missed your period (and not because you got pregnant) – we need to talk. This is DANGEROUS. Nobody talks about amenorrhea. This is a SERIOUS health issue when menstruation is absent during a female’s reproductive years, between puberty and menopause.

Why does it happen? It’s due to an imbalance of hormones. And oftentimes this can happen from a combination of overexercising and under eating…which unknowingly, I have done multiple times in my life.

In this video I will teach you what amenorrhea is, what causes it, and how you can cure it. The good news is…it IS curable!

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Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. As the creator behind Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube, she’s transformed millions of lives through helping them achieve their strength and weight-loss goals. She focuses on making fitness fun and the results are evident. Cassey’s unique format, POP Pilates©, which launched as a workout video on YouTube in 2009, has become a live fitness class that can be taken at gyms all over the world with over 3,000 POP Pilates classes being taught monthly. Her authenticity continues to shine through, making her one of the most relatable fitness icons online and beyond. She’s also the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and is the designer of her own activewear line, POPFLEX.

With a wide range of free workout videos available, Cassey’s channel focuses on ab exercises, butt & thigh exercises, arm exercises, pilates, cardio routines, fat burning workouts, high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), stretching and flexibility routines and so much more!


Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Blogilates’ and oGorgeous Inc.’s negligence.


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m k July 25, 2021 - 7:09 pm

There are effects of having a really low % body fat for both sexes and if no one talks about it then it's clearly common knowledge. Just how no one makes videos about how if you put your hand in a campfire you will get burned.

Be careful around campfires.

Ascher July 25, 2021 - 7:31 pm

I've lost my period for over a year now due to just hating my body in general. I gained some weight, then lost it recently. Working now to just eat, still struggling though. I'm glad people talk about this topic.

Darlene Darlene July 25, 2021 - 9:16 pm

lost period several days after my thesis defence, man, this education costs me too much mentally…

Caroline Chang 9-1 July 27, 2021 - 8:32 am

I am 14 years old teen and I lost my period for 4 months because extreme diet. I'm dancer. can i get my period back by still dancing?

natasha July 29, 2021 - 8:35 pm

pls i always joke about not wanting to have period but then july 30 hit and i just realized i havent got my period yet. i usually get it around 20 but it still hasnt come

Niki Mercer August 3, 2021 - 9:03 pm

I had lost my period for 4 months after a long stint of over eating and multiple stresses related to the pandemic, including a shut down of my work location and a family member discovered they needed to battle stage 4 cancer, self care is so important on many levels. I find the Blogilates post of monthly workouts help to keep focused on the big picture and each time I finish the day of workouts I treat myself to things including bubble baths and if I do a full week of workouts I will have a sweet I had been craving with moderation. She is so right that it is so important to be mindful of your body and the stressors that affect it and these videos really help me stay on top of balancing that. Even the posts with healthy recipes help they creepily pop up whenever I have under eaten lol!

heavenly peach August 4, 2021 - 11:30 am

It’s true…. I lost my period for 2 years and I was later diagnosed with severe osteopenia

golbarg roozbeh August 5, 2021 - 7:39 am

Thanks for talking about it❤️
It’s so important

Diana A. August 7, 2021 - 9:37 pm

When your too thin that happens

Cicada hits a tree🦋 August 12, 2021 - 8:25 pm

Amazing vid!
I was working in fitness industry for few years, I had healthy body and shape but the company wanted me to be skinnier and forced me to be on diet. I LOST MY PERIOD. Some coworkers of mine had same situation, but the company didn't care. I'm still looking for to take it back… but it isn't easy.
This is very important topic, thanks!

STREAM PTD August 14, 2021 - 1:23 pm

I dont want it tho. I like that I’m exercising more now and don’t need to worry about periods, you get your period to have kids, and that would happen in about 10-15 years from now so I don’t want to suffer 1 whole week every month just to have something I don’t want. My back hurts to death, I always walk, sit and sleep uncomfortably, no appetite, and just the worst mood ever. I wish I can just stop it and have it when I need cause no

MARIA EUGENIA nunesdemoraes August 18, 2021 - 2:41 pm

My story is kinda funny i guess
It all started three years ago, i was twelve. I felt fat and ugly so i stopped eating. I would go as long as i could everyday without eating and then have an apple or a plate of beans at dinner time because it was the meal of the day i couldnt skip (because of my family). Lost about 20lbs in three months, then my weight couldnt go any lower. The urges to binge were now huge. I was so scared because i had NO IDEA about ANYTHING. I repeat, back then I was twelve. I can only remember that I thought that the reason my results were stopping was because i didnt have enough willpower to not eat for a whole day. My cravings for sugar were hella big and i had headaches all day long everyday.
I felt invalidated, i thought there was no way it was a problem, the problem was that i couldnt look thin. I thought since some of my friends were skinnier than i, i might just be lazy. My period stopped. I binged, then I purged for the first time. My relationship with food was destroyed and my relationship with myself aswell. I felt anxious and torturing myelf with food was the best way i found to cope with the feeling.
After one year or so of eating disordered as hell, I told myself i was going to fix it so i started eating "normal" again. Not a surprise my weight INMEDIATLY bounced back and got worse than before. My metabolism was crashed, and to be honest, what I lost that year was probably just my muscles and bone density, rather than body fat.
My period returned and I felt awful, like a failure. I gained weight during quarantine and I was stressed. I went on a diet of clean eating. The first three months, not a single change, but I was patient. It worked, starting from month 4 all the results started to show up. I didnt regain the weight and I didnt want to binge. I felt happier than ever because I lost the weight while eating well and that made me feel worthy of eating, I started loving food and looked at it not as a villain, but as something my body needed and was okay to have. This time I lost body fat and gained muscle mass because I walked everyday and excercised twice a week. BUT, i screwed up. i was afraid that if i came back to eating like before i would gain all the weight back, so i told myself i was going to eat less than 1200 everyday. stupid, i know, you can roll your eyes at me and ask why the hell would you do that. I dont know either, i guess i didnt have everything as figured out as i thought. (I was 14years now, just for reference).
I lost more weight but my body wasnt happy and i was afraid of eating basically any food that was not "clean". I started purging again and was so afraid of my own harmful thoughts. I didnt want to do any research on how to lead a healthy lifestyle or how to eat healthily, i just felt like crap and my anxiety told me i didnt deserve to eat. I was, again, living with disordered thoughts but the feeling of invalidation stopped me from seeking help from anyone. I felt lonely, I was a failure. I realized being skinny didnt make me happy. Until I fixed my mindset and faced my internal fears, the way I looked didnt really matter. I had to heal from the inside.
I cried, I let myself gain a few pounds back while analizing my whole life and deciding to make a change. I thought i didnt want to feel invalidated any loner and i wanted to be healthy now. Its been 3 months since i reset my goal. Im eating as balanced and healthy as I can. I try to regain confidence in myself in order to not feel like i dont deserve to eat again, but i now know it is my inside what i need to fix and that having a very nutritious and diverse diet will help me rebuild my microbiom (im sure i pretty much killed everything down there during the months when i was b/p or eating two sticks of carrot a day).

so now to the funny part….

This month my period didnt show up, and im as confused as you

Strawberry Milkshake August 20, 2021 - 4:56 am

Reason I hate seeing doctor for this problem, they always tell the same thing, "you need to loss weight", even though it stated in my med record that I have PCOS and I try a bunch of diet and workout, but losing weight is just impossible. Now, I just give up and don't care anymore whether I have period or not.

Khushi Amin August 31, 2021 - 2:16 am

Any knee fat workout??pls

Charlene Jo September 18, 2021 - 10:43 pm

I missed two months once when I was stressed about college. And I’ve also gotten mine twice in one month before: at the beginning of the end and at the end of the month, going into the following month.

Xochilt Aviles October 13, 2021 - 3:07 pm

I can’t say I wouldn’t be happy if my period stopped 🥴

Zana Dunster October 23, 2021 - 4:19 pm

I lost mine for almost four months now. I use to work out for 2 hours a day. Dropped down to 1 and a half hours two times a week and eating normally. I’m on my way to recovery

julie vella November 4, 2021 - 6:08 pm

I didn't have my period for 2months 7weeks

Dayana Hoyos Vera November 4, 2021 - 7:13 pm

Recommended: Jessica Ash Wellness. Please check her out 🙏 and then please spread the word 😉

Arshi waheed November 5, 2021 - 12:45 pm

I am really worried It's been 3 1/2 months I don't get my periods I often feel I have gained weight but I was trying to loose some but it is very disturbing as I am 17 years old can't pay attention on studies please 🥺 help

Adélka Komárková November 7, 2021 - 11:01 am

Hi, I wanted to ask If I overexercising when I workout for about 30 minutes every day and everyday do some 30 minutes cardio. If I do much can you tell me what should I dont do? And I think I eat quite much so It wouldnt be because of food.

Formosa Mi Lan November 8, 2021 - 7:24 am

I don’t understand. I’m finally at my healthy weight & I have not gotten my period for 6 months now. I still eat a lot mostly balanced macros. On and off. I have days I’d eat up to 2000 cals but next day I’d stick to 1300-1500 . So average of 1500 calories a day. I train about 5 days a week. I feel like my lifestyle is normally healthy. I don’t think I’m underweight. So I don’t get why I still haven’t got my period for almost 6 months now & it’s scaring me.

Tutende Regina November 12, 2021 - 2:19 pm

Am 16 …lost mine long time …I don't want to gain anything back but your scaring me. .

Spiced up latte November 24, 2021 - 10:26 pm

Thank you so so so so so much!! I was so scared you are LITERALLY A LIFE SAVER

바나나우유 December 2, 2021 - 10:40 pm

I am scared, it has been 3 months since i had my period 😭😭😭

Kim Mi su December 6, 2021 - 6:26 am

My god I can't stop my tears 😭😭

Gi Lovely Diaz December 9, 2021 - 6:08 pm

😭😭😭😭😭 I haven’t had my period for over 6 years!! I’ve been to so many OBGYNs and they say my organs and everything is good. I’ve even had ultrasounds done. I believe is because I gained some weight (like 30 lbs). I feel so heartbroken 😔

Maria Eugenia Turcios December 18, 2021 - 1:02 am

How did yo got your period back??

Karla Muniz December 24, 2021 - 6:34 am

Thank you so much for this 💕

CelinePlayzRblx December 25, 2021 - 5:44 pm

This is probably why I don’t have my period at my age…thanks for sharing!

Nicole Price January 6, 2022 - 4:20 am

This is soooooo important!!! I lost my period my second year of college. Thought it was "just stress". I tried to sleep more, eat better, take hot baths, all the things you're supposed to do to "relieve stress". Went to several docs, but kept getting recommendations like "birth control will make you have periods again" and "eat low carb, that helps all my patients!" In my senior year of college I was finally diagnosed with a pituitary TUMOR. Yeah, like a tumor literally IN MY HEAD (not technically on my brain, but still). It had been up there producing ridiculous amounts of a hormone called Prolactin, which suppresses ovulation, and therefore my periods. My doc has warned me to look out for vision changes, among other things. If I had let my amenorrhea go unchecked, my hormones would be severely out of whack, and I could have had permanent damage to my vision. I know mine isn't a typical case, but please please please, if you're not having periods, go to a doctor. And if they're not helpful, go to another doctor, and another, and another, until you find one who is going to help you and not just put you on birth control for no reason. Your health is so, so worth it!!
